Chuck Johnson was banned from Twitter. Milo Yiannopoulos had his Verified checkmark removed. I was banned from Twitter after receiving a torrent of death threats and kicked off of Amazon’s affiliate program. Davis Aurini is getting no-platformed by YouTube. The list goes on.
For the past few years, major tech companies and content platforms such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook have been censoring anyone who doesn’t conform to their far-left view of the world. While these companies are eager to become integral parts of our lives, they also demand that we muzzle our thoughts and punish anyone who doesn’t comply. They openly admit to manipulating their users’ perception of reality and now they’re gearing up to vanquish “hate speech”—aka speech from anyone to the right of Karl Marx—from their sites once and for all.
It’s time for us to take a stand.
We are the people who make these platforms viable. Without our videos, Tweets and whatnot, none of these companies would even exist. They need us more than we need them, and it’s time for us to flex our muscles. We’re saying no to their obtuse Terms of Service, their presumption of guilt on the part of content creators, and their facade of political neutrality.
With help from me and a few others, Davis Aurini has created a Content Creator’s Bill of Rights. You can learn about the Bill by reading it or watching my video below. Then head over to and sign the petition. Spread the word by re-posting the Bill on your own blogs, reading it aloud on your YouTube or podcast accounts, and by posting links to it on Twitter with the hashtag #CreatorGate.
Remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates.
The Content Creator’s Bill of Rights
We, the undersigned, hold that Common Carriers of information must be committed to informational neutrality. Many private companies have achieved financial success through the creative output of the content creators who joined their networks, under the assumption of this neutrality. However, in recent months, we have seen a worrying trend towards content censorship.
We adamantly oppose any and all censorship, whether it be based upon politics, religion, creed, race, or any other metric. We hold that all content should be allowed to succeed or fail based upon its own merits, and as such we demand that Common Carriers embrace the following set of standards to ensure accountability.
- Disclosure of Bias: Common Carriers must declare allegiance to a particular political or religious creed, or remain neutral on all matters. A pro-furry forum can remain pro-furry; all others must embrace the principles of free speech and vigorous debate. We reserve the right to use words such as (but not limited to): fag, dago, breeder, porch monkey, douche, pansy, queer, cis-shit, skronk, tranny, pozzed, Jew, feminazi, and niggardly.
- Accountability of Employees: Should a dispute arise, employees must identify themselves through a unique Employee ID number. We will no longer accept anonymous or first-name-only help centres; Common Carriers shall not be “safe spaces” for passive-aggressive weaklings to push their agendas.
- Penalties for False Flags: At present, the system is rife with manipulation. Videos can be spuriously flagged for any reason, causing great difficulty for the creators. Those who engage in false flagging must have consequences applied to them. A side benefit of this is that accountability terrifies the sort of people who are behind most of these false flags, and the threat of exposure will silence them, saving the Common Carrier money.
- Confronting the Complainant: Content creators shall have the right to know which account is making claims against them, and shall have an opportunity to confront their claims; as a side benefit, logical confrontations will often trigger the complainants, silencing them for several months as they check back into the clinic.
- Innocent Until Judgement: At present, Content Creators have penalties applied to their accounts based purely upon accusations. Until an accusation has been sustained, we demand the presumption of innocence. Common Carriers shall assume a “yes means yes” form of acceptance upon content upload.
- Clear Definition of Standards: All policies shall be explicitly and simply defined. Terms such as “hate speech” and “harassment” have become as meaningless as “healthy body image” and “trans-nigger” and must be eschewed.
- Clear Explanation of Verdicts: If flagged content is pulled down, then a public statement explaining what rules it violated—and how—must be provided. If necessary, the Common Carrier shall supply Xanax, Seroquel, or a pacifier to the employee making the announcement, should they suffer from a “nervous disorder.”
- Preservation of Anonymity: Common Carriers shall not require that personally identifiable information be made public. Anonymous has a rich tradition in the Western Canon of upsetting those who need upsetting, and we hold that Common Carriers must aid in protecting those voices from exposure to mob violence from blue-haired freaks wearing “problem” glasses.
- Transparency: If a voice is silenced, we have the right to know why. If a Term of Service is violated, we have a right to know which one. If a judgment is being made, we have a right to know who made it. And if a radical activist was behind it, we have a right to know whom. We call upon all Common Carriers to be transparent, keeping a public record of all such actions, so that those who help “progress” society can be justly rewarded.
We, the undersigned, understand that for some, the free marketplace of ideas can be as frightening as the free market itself. Their natural incompetence, social maladjustment, hormonal damage, and useless educations make them feel like someone who brought a knife to a gun fight—or in the case of SJWs, an animal dildo. For these gentle souls, soiling their nappies whenever they hear impassioned debate, we suggest a seldom-used feature that has been present on most Common Carriers since 2005…
…the block button.
Read Next: #FreeMattForney: I’ve Been Unjustly Suspended from Twitter
The post Operation #CreatorGate: The Content Creator’s Bill of Rights appeared first on Matt Forney.